Environmental Advisory Service & Consultations

Our consultants each have 15+ years permaculture experience and experience in consulting on people’s properties and for not for profit organisations here and overseas. Tom Kendall has 40+ years experience in Agriculture and Land Management, as well as 17+ years of Permaculture experience. Please click here to see Tom Kendall’s bio (our primary consultant).

We specialise in repairing degraded land and have experience in repairing large scale (1000s of acres) and smaller scale (urban size up to around 5 acres) properties. We can offer recommendations on a plan or design for your property, no matter the size of your land. We also offer implementation services if required. Designs are recommendations only, there will be an evolution in your thinking after the consultation which will result in possible changes of the design. As the design develops on your property, more changes naturally occur as your knowledge of the property and its influences grows.


Consultations can be in person or remotely via Skype. This service is offered by donation (pay what you can afford). We function solely by donation, and we can only continue to do so if everyone who can contribute does. For an indication as to the value of this consulting service, most permaculture consultations cost between $1,000 and $2,500.  If you are in a position to pay it forward, please do. By paying more, you will be assisting us to educate and assist those in less fortunate situations, as we sponsor people in poorer countries so that they can spread this knowledge within their communities. We understand that in these challenging times a lot of people may be unable to pay it forward, and we are grateful for whatever support you are able to give us.

If you would like to contact us for a consultation and / or implementation for your property, please fill out the form below: