Education & Training Program

Online PDCResidential PDCPDC over 5 weekendsVolunteering/trainingother online courses

All courses by donation, pay what you can afford!

PermEco Inc. provides a demonstration, education and training space at the Kendall Permaculture Farm in the Noosa Hinterland town of Kin Kin in Queensland, Australia. The space demonstrates a number of systems, technologies and methods of natural and regenerative farming, like composting methods, waste management, water management, soil improvement methods, animal management, food forestry and syntropic farming, preserving methods and much more. The farm is a Demonstration site for Permaculture, Sustainability and Holistic & Regenerative Farming methods. PermEco Inc. shares their space and knowledge on the farm with volunteers, students and trainees alike. They come from all over the world, local, national and international and we have trained over 350 people onsite.

PermEco Inc. believes that empowering people by teaching them how to become self reliant and sustainable in their lives, major changes can occur. Once people are empowered they are passionate, and this passion will inspire others. The students become the teachers and this is how we aim to spread sustainable living all over the world. Volunteers, trainees and students are involved in the running of the Farm, get exposed to both regular routines and specific projects. 

Volunteers and trainees are active in community gardens in the area and donate time to teach interested members of other local not for profit organisations such as Permaculture Noosa Inc. The Permaculture Design Certificate taught by PermEco Inc. is accredited by the Permaculture Research Institute, an organisation we have a mutually supportive relationship with and is recognised and respected world wide.

People can apply via the website to become volunteers or to be trained by us. They will need to commit to a minimum of 4 weeks in order for them to start understanding the methods and systems in place. We also conduct regular courses like the Introduction to Permaculture and the Permaculture Design Certificate. Shorter workshops in individual subjects are also taught, such as soil improvement methods, food forestry, biogas production, animal management, composting and more. PermEco Inc. also attends events, festivals or gatherings, giving educational talks to inspire others and we make video courses available for free on our website.

There is a need in the world for aware, educated and informed people to inspire others to live more sustainably, so that the climate change issue can be addressed at many different angles. More and more people are now aware that we are in the midst of a climate change and extinction crisis and are realising that awareness is not enough, we must take action. PermEco Inc. is committed to educate and train people to not only be aware, but also in what action to take on the ground to become more sustainable. By growing their own food, being able to manage land, plants and animals in a holistic and sustainable way and by reducing their carbon footprint, people are able to improve carbon sequestering, reduce waste and carbon generating activities and play a part in managing the climate crisis.

Students and trainees will be given feedback forms at the end of their stay to fill out. They will note how they experienced their stay and they can offer suggestions for the future. Feedback will be compiled and suggestions taken into account for future courses and training.

Please hover over the Education & Training menu link to see a drop down of courses coming up. Courses are by donation, pay what you can afford. To volunteer, please go to our volunteer page by clicking here.

If you would like to donate towards our education and training program, please fill out the form below or click on the donate button to the right.