Category: Zaia’s Blog

Zaia talks about her day.


Permaculture: a holistic approach to life

When we tell people we practise permaculture, we usually get some questions. The interesting thing is the type of questions we are asked. Usually the person asking us has a plant or tree that has some sort of disease and we are asked what they can do about it. It is interesting how we are all so indoctrinated into thinking that someone who works with nature, plants and animals should just know how to treat something that is diseased without doing any further research or knowing the circumstances…

Maungaraeeda and Permaculture Research Institute Sunshine Coast sign 2

Lots of learning and fun at CelebrATE!

Looking back on a great long weekend at CelebrATE!, a two day celebration of Permaculture, Music and Food. Workshops with Jason Davies, Amanda Moore, Tom Kendall, Jodie Williams and Zaia Kendall, a music jam with Linsey Pollak, performances by the Unusual Suspects, Mal Webb & Kylie Morrigan and the Formidable Vegetable Sound System and food by Black Ant Gourmet.