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Sunday 14 February 2016

Communal kitchen at Maungaraeeda

The kitchen in the new community hub at Maungaraeeda

In going back to simple living, there are so many things to share. Tom and I decided we would each post a short blog post, hopefully on a daily basis, just talking about our day to day jobs, discoveries, problems and solutions. I hope you will join us on this path, and that some of our discoveries will help ease your own journey! 

Today is my computer day, so I am sitting here getting our website set up so we can add daily posts each. I played a gig last night on the Gold Coast and we only got home late, so energy is a bit low today… But as usual we were awake early again, although we did have a little sleep in. We got up at 5.45am this morning. After having 2 large cups of water and some fruit, I made food for the goats and chickens and fed them. As it is the weekend it is only a light day today, hence I have the time to sit behind the computer and get our blogs set up.

After feeding the goats and chickens I got cranky with the cat who was cranky with me, so I had to feed her. Then I fed Tom, Marlon and myself and had to take Marlon to work. The cows are in the front paddock at the moment, so we have to open and close 2 electric fences going out or in. When I got back I had to do a bit more in the kitchen; putting seeds and beans in the sprouter for sprouting, soaking rice (we still have some here, once this rice is finished there will be no more until we grow our own, if we will at all) and cooking lunch. That is my day so far, and sitting in front of the computer…

Finished the web site so far, a lot later than wished for. As it is Valentine’s day, I decided to make some chocolate buckwheat muffins. We have no money to go out for Valentine’s day, but I appeciated the simple pleasure of surprising my men with chocolate muffins and a lovely pot of earl grey tea (for special occasions). It occurred to me that I appreciate this so much more, because it is such a rarity for us to be able to do this together. I feel very blessed that we are still able to do this despite our financial situation.

©2016 Zaia;, incorporating Permaculture Research Institute Sunshine Coast, simplicity, permaculture, self reliance and homesteading, Zaia Kendall blog start.

Author: Zaia Kendall

Zaia grew up in a family of musicians in Holland, and has a background in top sport (snow skiing) and web development and design. She co-founded the PRI Luganville and PRI Sunshine Coast Inc (now PermEco Inc.) with Tom, and runs the “invisible structures”, like finances, business administration, website design and maintenance, writes articles and records and edits videos. She assists Tom in running the Kendall Permaculture Farm and supervising other volunteers. She is an active member of several musical projects and bands, involved in community music and runs percussion and marimba workshops, is the percussion leader for the Woodford Folk Festival People’s Orchestra and composes as well as plays music. She is passionate about community music and loves seeing people discover that they can play!

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